<div fs-richtext-component="info-box" class="info-box"><div class="flex-info-card"><img src="https://assets-global.website-files.com/65098a145ece52db42b9c274/650c6f4cef4c34160eab4440_Info.svg" loading="eager" width="64" height="64" alt="" class="icon-info-box"><div fs-richtext-component="info-box-text" class="info-box-content"><p class="color-neutral-800">Starting January 1, 2024, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act requires reporting 10,000$+ crypto transactions to the IRS. Yet, the Treasury and IRS deferred digital asset reporting until new regulations are set, promising future guidance and public input on these rules. Stay informed: IRS</p></div></div></div>
The IRS's July 2023 guidance underscores unique tax considerations for staking rewards, treating cryptocurrencies as property. As the IRS sharpens its focus on crypto transactions, U.S. stakers must understand current tax rules to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues - also see our complete US crypto tax guide. This article clarifies crypto staking taxation per IRS regulations, aiming to guide investors through this intricate area with confidence.
Understanding Staking Rewards as Income
IRS guidelines treat cryptocurrency staking rewards as income, reflecting the view of cryptocurrencies as property. Receiving staking rewards is seen as earning income from blockchain participation, taxable at the time of receipt, not sale.
Tax Implications When Rewards Are Received
Upon receipt, staking rewards are subject to income tax based on their fair market value in U.S. dollars at that time. Accurate record-keeping of the receipt date and value is essential for proper tax reporting as ordinary income.
Tax Implications When Rewards Are Sold
Selling staking rewards constitutes a taxable event, with capital gains tax due on any increase in value from the time of receipt. The length of time the rewards were held determines whether gains are short-term or long-term, affecting the tax rate.
In summary, both the receipt and sale of staking rewards come with distinct tax implications. Understanding and adhering to these guidelines is key to staying compliant with IRS rules and effectively managing your crypto taxation responsibilities. See below a screenshot of the Crypto Tax Tool Blockpit for automatic classification of staking rewards.

Determining Fair Market Value (FMV)
When it comes to taxation of staking rewards in the U.S., accurately determining the FMV in U.S. dollars of these rewards at the time of receipt is essential.
There are several approaches to ascertain this:
Exchange Rates
If the cryptocurrency is traded on an exchange, the FMV can be established based on the going rate on the exchange at the time of receipt. It's important to use a consistent method for this valuation, especially if the reward is traded on multiple exchanges with varying rates.
Cryptocurrency Pricing Indexes
In some cases, taxpayers might use average rates from a recognized cryptocurrency pricing index to determine the FMV, especially if the staking reward is not listed on a major exchange.
Other Reasonable Methods
If neither of the above methods is feasible, the IRS allows for "any other method that provides a reasonable valuation under the circumstances."
Accurate and detailed record-keeping is here crucial for several reasons:
Tax Compliance
Proper documentation of the FMV of each staking reward at the time of receipt is necessary to comply with IRS regulations and to accurately report taxable income.
Capital Gains Calculation
These records are also vital when you sell the staked assets. To accurately calculate any capital gain or loss from the sale of staking rewards, you need to know the initial value when you received them.
Audit Preparedness
In case of an IRS audit, having detailed records with crypto portfolio trackers like Blockpit substantiates the valuations you've reported on your tax returns. By meticulously tracking the FMV of each staking reward on the day of receipt, you lay a strong foundation for compliant and stress-free crypto tax reporting.
Cost Basis Considerations for Staked Cryptocurrency
The cost basis of staking rewards is their fair market value (FMV) at receipt, crucial for tax compliance:
- At Receipt: FMV is determined by the current U.S. dollar value, using a recognized exchange rate or pricing index.
- Record-Keeping: Detailed FMV records for each staking transaction are vital for later sales, exchanges, or dispositions, as they are needed to calculate capital gains or losses.
Staking rewards impact your cryptocurrency portfolio's overall cost basis:
- Incremental Additions: Each reward increases total holdings and affects the average cost basis.
- Gains or Losses Calculation: Accurate gains or losses calculations require the cost basis of each staked crypto unit.
- Tracking for Frequent Stakers: Precise tracking of each reward's cost basis is essential for accurate tax calculations, despite the cumulative portfolio value increase.
Staking Pools and Tax Implications
Staking pools, allowing investors to pool crypto assets for better reward chances, entail specific tax implications. Tax obligations remain, with nuances in calculation:
- Rewards Distribution: Your portion of staking pool rewards is taxable, calculated based on the fair market value (FMV) at distribution.
- Pool Fees: Deductible fees from staking pools must be factored into gains or losses.
Proper documentation is essential for IRS compliance:
- Record-Keeping: Maintain records of reward receipts, noting the receipt date and FMV, for accurate income reporting.
- Reporting on Taxes: Report staking pool rewards using IRS Form 8949 and Schedule D, ensuring consistent FMV calculation and income reporting to avoid audits.
Strategies to Optimize Tax Obligations?
- Holding Period Consideration: One strategy to reduce your tax bill is to hold onto your staking rewards for at least a year. This approach can move your gains into the lower long-term capital gains tax bracket.
- Tax Loss Harvesting: You can also use a strategy known as tax loss harvesting, where you sell other crypto assets at a loss to offset the gains from your staking rewards.
- Regular Review and Rebalancing: Regularly reviewing your crypto portfolio with a crypto tax calculator and rebalancing when needed can help in managing your tax liabilities. This involves not just looking at performance but also considering the tax implications of buying, selling, or holding your assets.
Losses and Deductions
Selling staking rewards or cryptocurrencies at a loss creates a capital loss, which must be reported on tax returns and can be used strategically:
- Offsetting Gains: Capital losses can offset capital gains from other investments, with the IRS allowing up to $3,000 of excess losses to offset ordinary income annually.
- Loss Carryforward: Losses over $3,000 can be carried forward to future years, aiding in tax relief by balancing gains and losses over time.
Effective tax strategy involves integrating capital gains and losses from all investments for comprehensive portfolio management:
- Holistic Management: Incorporate all capital transactions, including crypto and traditional assets, to optimize tax outcomes.
- Strategic Timing: Manage your portfolio to realize losses strategically, reducing overall tax liability.
- Detailed Records: Keep thorough records of transactions for accurate deduction claims and tax compliance.
IRS Guidance and Updates
As of July 31, 2023, the IRS has clarified the taxation of cryptocurrency staking rewards, deeming them taxable income upon receipt. This clarification is crucial for Ethereum stakers, defining 'received' as the moment rewards are controlled, particularly after they become available for sale post-upgrade. Previously, the absence of specific guidance on staking rewards' tax treatment left investors uncertain about reporting staking income. This update provides essential clarity on crypto taxation.
Streamline Your Crypto Taxes With Blockpit
Blockpit creates the most comprehensive crypto tax reports in PDF format. The report provides information about all your balances and transactions and can be used as proof of origin with banks or tax advisors. It contains all relevant transactions of your account in the selected tax year and shows details such as timestamp, amount, asset, costs and fees of the individual transactions.
Using Blockpit couldn’t be easier:
1. Import your transactions (completely free of charge!)
Blockpit offers direct integrations for crypto exchanges, wallets and DeFi protocols. Automatically import your transactions via API integration, wallet address synchronization, or by manually uploading an Excel file.
Discover all crypto integrations
2. Validate & Optimize
Blockpit offers smart insights and suggestions to optimize your tax report, fix issues, add missing values and to validate your transactions.
3. Generate your tax report
Generate your compliant tax report with the click of a button. Our tax engine calculates your tax report on the basis of the US tax framework.